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Teen Art Club – Mouse Lady Creative In Rock Ferry

ELC 379 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 1LB

Teen Art Club - Mouse Lady Creative In Rock Ferry

Mouselady Creative – my name is Lisa, I was born in Bebington, I completely  love my home town, but not as much as drawing and painting and sharing my love with as many people as possible.

I am passionate about giving people of all ages, a chance to show that their abilities are just as important as core subjects in school.


Teen Art Club

Join the Teen Art Club for exciting events. Explore various painting techniques and create unique masterpieces. Unleash your creativity in a fun and supportive environment.

Art Club is for our young people who have outgrown Club Creative, these are smaller sessions designed to help with students about to sit exams.


Smaller sessions with less distractions. All materials provided.

This session must be paid for at the point of booking.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all teens



Once a month on a Thursday (please check the Mouse Lady Creative Facebook page for upcoming dates)



6pm to 8pm



ELC 379 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral CH42 1LB





How to get involved

Please get in touch with Lisa to book, as places are limited.

Visit the Book Art Club page on the Mouse Lady Creative website


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Mouse Lady Creative search Mouse Lady Creative in this directory.


Visit the Mouse Lady Creative website

Visit the Mouse Lady Creative Facebook page



ELC 379 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 1LB


Quick contact

ELC 379 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 1LB

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