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Slings & Support Wirral CIC

Slings & Support Wirral CIC

Slings & Support Wirral CIC was established in 2023 to help us to expand our work, reaching more families with our support, and breaking down financial and access barriers to babywearing. 

From pregnancy to new parenthood, for those with older babies and toddlers, it can be an overwhelming time. Babywearing can be a powerful part of your parenting toolkit! We work with local families to find them a sling that they love. We make sure that they, and their baby, feel safe and secure. We support parents with building a secure relationship with their children. 


Sling hire and small group support

Wirral Sling Library provides support to local families. We run sessions in Bebington, Birkenhead and New Brighton. You can either get support in using a sling, wrap or carrier you already have, or hire one of ours.


Community Scheme - Breaking down barriers

Our Community scheme enables us to support families through reduced cost or free support, sling hires or provision of a suitable carrier. Families can self-refer, or can be referred to us by contacting Ruth.


Babywearing for Early Years settings and childminders

Babywearing is increasingly used in Early years settings – we can support you to introcuduce it in a safe, informed way with workshops tailored to your setting. 


Support tailored to your needs

For those needing more tailored support, or if you want to investigate multiple babywearing options, we offer One to One consultations, and workshops.


Who is this aimed at?

This is open to all



See our website for booking options



Various locations across the Wirral



Low community cost

All profits are reinvested into the CIC for the benefit of young families on the Wirral and surrounding areas.


How to get involved

Give us a call, email us, drop us a message or book online.


Contact details

Phone: 07786 960170



For further information

For more information about Slings & Support Wirral CIC search Slings & Support Wirral CIC in this directory.


Visit the Slings & Support Wirral CIC website

Visit the Slings & Support Wirral CIC Facebook page



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