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Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. We do this through advocacy, services, support, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families.

  • Ensure access to reliable information and services across the lifespan
  • Support research and innovation that drives towards improved quality of life and well-being for individuals with autism throughout their lives
  • Leverage our assets through advocacy, partnerships and collaboration to support, extend and convene the work of service providers
  • Accelerate delivery of solutions for adult quality of life needs, including transition, employment, housing and health and wellness
  • Live and promote principles of diversity, equity, access and inclusion both in and outside of the organization

Together, we stand for a world of difference. Together, we will succeed.


Who is this aimed at?

All individuals with autism






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How to get involved

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