On Your Side is for anyone in the UK who identifies as East and Southeast Asian, including people with mixed heritage. It is also for anyone who is perceived by others to be East and Southeast Asian and witnesses of hate towards East and Southeast Asians from any background.
This is the place to find support and make a report if you experience or witness racism or any other form of hate. This could include verbal harassment in person or online, criminal damage such as graffiti, or physical violence perpetrated because of hostility against an aspect (or assumed aspect) of a person’s identity such as their race, gender, religion, disability, sexuality, or political beliefs.
No matter how small or trivial you think it might be, we are here to listen and support.
Support - Talk to someone for support and referrals to professional services.
Confidence - We won’t share anything to anyone without your full consent and permission.
Language Support - We offer support in various East and Southeast Asian languages.
Prevention - Let us know what happened, so we can prevent it happening to others.
On Your Side includes a 24/7 freephone helpline available in East and Southeast Asian languages; a website with reporting forms and resources; and ongoing community-based support delivered by trained casework advocates. On Your Side has community members at the centre. That means anyone can feel safe using the service.
Our Helpline Operators
Our Helpline Operators are the first people you’ll speak to when you call our 24/7 freephone helpline. They’re here to listen to you, find out more about what happened and give you support. If they don’t speak your language, they’ll find a trusted interpreter for you. All Helpline Operators have received comprehensive training on how to listen to and support you, including trauma-informed practice training from the Association of Psychological Therapies. This helps ensure that we prevent further harm or re-traumatisation.
Our Casework Advocates are there to support you for as long as you need. They’re based in local East and Southeast Asian community groups and are trained in advocacy, mental health first aid, trauma-informed practice, safeguarding, cultural competency and hate crime awareness. They can help you find the appropriate support services you need, such as legal aid or mental health aid, and will be on your side if your case is being handled by the police or local authority.
Who is this aimed at?
On Your Side is for anyone in the UK who identifies as East and Southeast Asian, including people with mixed heritage. It is also for anyone who is perceived by others to be East and Southeast Asian and witnesses of hate towards East and Southeast Asians from any background.
UK-wide support
This is a free service
How to get involved
You can call the 24/7 Free Helpline - Our Helpline Operators are the first people you’ll speak to when you call our 24/7 freephone helpline. They’re here to listen to you, find out more about what happened and give you support. If they don’t speak your language, they’ll find a trusted interpreter for you.
You can remain entirely anonymous, and share as little or as much detail with us as you like. We won’t share any personal information with anyone else without your full and informed consent.
Contact details
On Your Side 24/7 Helpline
Phone: 0808 801 0393
General Enquiries
Email: info@onyoursideuk.org
For further information
For more information about On Your Side search On Your Side in this directory.
Visit the On Your Side website
Visit the On Your Side Facebook page