Our vision
Our vision is a thriving, diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community on the Wirral. A place where LGBT people feel safe and are free from discrimination
The Network
The Network was set up in September 2012 as a result of an LGBT Needs Assessment carried out by Wirral NHS. It is designed to address the findings from that assessment by assisting the ongoing development and formation of various current and future LGBT community networks on the Wirral including Navajo, Brooks: Work It Out Group, Trans Sisters and Gay Wirral.
Our aim
We aim to make a positive difference to the LGBT community in Wirral by:
- Always working in collaboration and partnership
- Developing a long-term strategy for the LGBT community
- Improve the Health and well-being experiences and outcomes for LGBT people on the Wirral
- Educating and informing the Wirral LGBT community of the facilities and services already available to them
- Strengthening and supporting existing and future LGBT community groups and networks on the Wirral
- Support and strengthen existing local LGBT groups and facilitate LGBT groups, meetings and events
- Initiate and support the development of new groups and activities to meet the health and social care needs of the Wirral LGBT community
- Develop the profile of the Wirral LGBT community
Who is this aimed at?
This is open to all LGBT.
How to get involved
The success of the network relies on the participation and involvement of the LGBT community in the Wirral, this means if you are a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Trans person living, working or visiting the Wirral, we need you to make this work.
Why join the Network?
- it is FREE!
- it is Friendly
- You can network and meet other LGBT people
- You can get involved and influence local decision making
- You will be kept up to date on events and activities that may interest you
- You can suggest events and activities to meet your interests and needs
- You can help support other LGBT people as well as getting support for yourself
- You can get involved by:
- Signing up and becoming a member of the Network (all details are confidential)
- Join the Network Steering Group – training provided
- Adding us on Facebook/Twitter
- Attending and supporting provided groups and events
- Letting us know your ideas and thoughts
- Volunteer & contribute
Contact details
Phone: 0151 237 3990
For further information
Visit the Wirral LGBT Network Facebook page.
Visit the LGBT Network Twitter page