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Our vision

Our vision is of a society where everyone gets a second chance and the support they need to achieve their potential.

Our values

We focus on outcomes -
We work effectively to deliver the right results. We support people to achieve meaningful outcomes.

We are courageous -
We have bold aims which we are determined to achieve. We seize opportunities and deliver results.

We are inspiring -
We motivate and inspire people to reach their full potential and aspirations. We encourage people to think differently.

We are reliable -
We keep our promises. We provide consistent support and we stick with people.

We are proud -
We celebrate the collective strength that our diversity brings. We promote, celebrate and share the achievements of our team ahead of our own.

We change lives by designing and delivering services to equip people with skills, advice and support to move on.


Who is this aimed at?

Nacro's activities are designed to reduce crime, the fear of crime and reoffending. Our services give offenders and those at risk of offending skills, support and motivation to change their lives and move away from crime. We support the work of our services by working with policymakers and commissioners to improve reoffending outcomes and develop cost effective criminal justice services.


We offer but are not limited to:


  • Help with housing


  • Advice & support


Nacro provides information and advice for ex-offenders, families and people working with them.



Nacro's support is available from Monday to Thursday.



Nacro's support is available online or by phone.


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 9am to 3pm.

Friday from 1pm to 5pm.



This support is free, there is no cost.


How to get involved

If you have any queries or are seeking support please call us on 0300 123 1999 or email


Contact details


Phone: 0300 123 1999


For further information

Visit the Nacro website

Visit the Nacro Instagram account

Visit the Nacro Twitter page





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