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Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS)


Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS)

Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) supports schools, and communities to help raise academic achievement for young people from Ethnic Minority backgrounds. We help staff in schools and settings to meet the needs of children learning English as an additional language (EAL) including new arrivals and more advanced learners.


We promote strategies and resources to challenge racism and celebrate diversity within our communities. We help families to understand how best to support their child’s bilingualism.


During school closures we have adapted our support. This means we have been providing online support, support in school for vulnerable families and creating craft packs/ reading resources for those at home. Our interpreting and translation support has been vital for many families who do not have the English to support their children’s online learning or access the school/home communication.


We have a multilingual team and a vast amount of bilingual volunteers who can help families to understand the processes, for example how to access laptop/wifi support or Free School Meals.


The MEAS staff work throughout Wirral and aim to:

  • Raise achievement
  • Remove language barriers
  • Provide access to the curriculum
  • Raise self-esteem
  • Encourage social integration


The MEAS staff:

  • Assess children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) from Foundation Stage to Year 13
  • Act as consultants in helping to meet the needs of minority ethnic children and families
  • Support the admission of new arrivals – including refugee, Gypsy Roma and Traveller pupils
  • Give advice on promoting a greater understanding of diversity and race equality in schools


MEAS staff provide training in:

  • EAL
  • Refugees and asylum seekers
  • Diversity and cultural awareness
  • Race Equality
  • Social, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)


Who is this aimed at?

This is aimed at young people from minority ethnic backgrounds.



There is no cost for this programme.


How to get involved

Access is via a referral from your child’s school or setting. However, if you do require further information about the services we provide visit the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service webpage.

Visit the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service webpage.


Contact details



For further information

Visit the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service webpage



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