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Coram Voice

Coram Voice will help you if you are in care, leaving care, have or need a social worker.

We will get your voice heard, tell you about your rights, give you the support you need through our advocates and work with you to improve the care system.


Who is this aimed at?

Coram Voice offers support and information for children and young people in care, on the edge of care and care leavers.

Coram Voice is a leading children’s rights organisation. We champion the rights of children. We get young voices heard in decisions that matter to them and work to improve the lives of children in care, care leavers and others who depend upon the help of the state.

We do this because we believe in a society which recognises and willingly accepts its responsibilities to children and young people, where the inequalities and discrimination they currently face have been eradicated, where they are fully engaged in all decisions made about their lives and where their views, needs and feelings are at the core of those decisions.

Advice for those in care, leaving care, have a social worker or need one? If so then Coram Voice is the place for you.





How to get involved

If you have any queries please call or email. If you seek support please call our Advocacy Helpline 


Contact details

Phone: 020 7833 5792

Advocacy Helpline: 0808 800 5792

Mobile: 07758 670369



For further information

For more information about Coram Voice search Coram Voice in this directory.


Visit the Coram Voice website

Visit the Coram Voice Facebook page





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