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Words Matter

Words Matter is a new charity on a mission to improve children’s mental and physical health by ending verbal abuse by adults around them. 


Our early relationships and experiences lay the foundations of how our brain and body get built, and shape who we become. Whether at home or at school, being surrounded by warm and loving words lays the foundations for children to grow and thrive.


Verbal abuse can lead to lasting emotional scarring, leaving an enduring impact on the brain and on the body. It can damage a child’s sense of self, their future relationships and their ability to function at home, in school, work and social situations. According to leading Harvard University psychiatrists, verbal abuse can be as harmful as physical abuse, sexual abuse, or being a witness to domestic violence. It has serious, lasting effects, which is why we must do something about it.


We’ve put together simple resources with Dr Fiona Pienaar, which we hope you’ll find helpful. There are specific resources for parents and carers, teachers, and adults in general, all designed to help build children up, not knock them down. We also have a guide for adults who have experienced childhood verbal abuse themselves.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



Please access our resources and links online on our website.





How to get involved

Please visit the Words Matter website for information


Contact details

Phone: 0203 642 7737



For further information

For more information about Words Matter search Words Matter in this directory.


Visit the Words Matter website

Visit the Words Matter Facebook page





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