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Wirral Supported Lodgings – Local Solutions

Wirral Supported Lodgings, CH41 6EY

Wirral Supported Lodgings - Local Solutions

This service provides family style accommodation to homeless young people and operates in 7 boroughs across Merseyside and North Wales. Young people are accommodated with registered ‘Householders’ in their homes, they will have their room and share the kitchen and bathroom facilities. This is an alternative to living in a hostel. Each young person will receive support from their Householder and a support worker.


How they help

The practical and emotional support provided includes:

  • A furnished room within a household

  • Help with accessing and engaging with education and employment

  • Support to access benefits the young person is entitled to

  • Support to develop independent living skills such as budgeting, cooking etc.

  • Help with accessing specialist support

  • Support to gain skills and confidence to sustain a tenancy via the Resettlement Passport program and access stable move-on accommodation

  • Wirral Supported Lodgings – Supports 16-21-year-olds


Homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Wirral?

16 or 17yr olds –Phone us on 0151 666 4123 or out of hours at 0151 677 6557

18+ - Call Wirral Housing Options 0151 666 5511


Contact details


Phone: 0151 650 5483


For further information

Visit the WSL website.


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