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Wirral 0-18 Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) – Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Wirral 0-18 Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) - Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs), made up of Children and Young People’s Mental Health Practitioners and Education Mental Health Practitioners, deliver the service designed to help meet the mental health needs of children and young people in education settings.


The 0-18 Wirral Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) - formerly known as CAMHS - is a community based specialist service providing mental health assessments and evidence based psychological treatments for children and young people with moderate to severe mental health difficulties, which is where mental health difficulties are having a significant impact on day-to-day functioning. 


Our aim is to provide a service that works in partnership with families/carers, is person and family centred and is focused on the needs of the child/young person. We offer assessments and treatment based on goals identified by the family, adopting a multi-agency approach for children and young people presenting with the following concerns:


  • Anxiety and depression; for example phobias, social anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), where there is a  significant and enduring impact on the young person's daily life.
  • Trauma; this covers both 'single event' post-traumatic disorder and 'developmental trauma' where there is a significant impact on daily life.
  • Emotional dysregulation; with significant instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and mood and impulsive behaviour or significant self-harm.
  • Eating disorders; in partnership with the Cheshire and Merseyside Adolescent Eating Disorder Service (CHEDS).
  • Attachment disorder; having a significant impact on family and social functioning.
  • Suspected psychosis; many young people have puzzling experiences (for example, voice hearing) as part of another mental health issue (e.g. anxiety) and we work with these young people, focusing on the core mental health need. However we also work with/signpost to the local Early Intervention Team where symptoms of psychosis are evident


If you or the young person is at immediate risk, please call the 24/7 Urgent Mental Healthline on 0800 145 6485


Please note: For young people with difficulties that may be linked to autism, ADHD, conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder we only offer assessment and interventions where there are co-morbid moderate to severe mental health difficulties.

We do not offer treatment or other assessments for autism, ADHD, conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder where there are no co-morbid mental health difficulties and will signpost for assessment to local pathways or support to other agencies. However, young people with autism, ADHD, conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder will be offered treatment for additional moderate/severe mental health problems.


Who is this aimed at?

Wirral CYPMHS service is available to anyone aged 0-18 at the time of referral in Wirral, Merseyside.



Monday to Friday



9am to 5pm



We work with children and young people in various locations across the Wirral

Wirral 0-18 CYPMHS Team Office: Birch Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, CH42 0LQ



This service is free


How to get involved

To access our 0-18 Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) - formerly known as CAMHS - please speak to a GP, social worker, or any other health professional. They will be able to make a referral if they think our service can help. You can also submit a self-referral for a young person on the MyMind website. Please note, we are able to accept self-referrals from parents / carers (on behalf of a young person) or from young people directly if they are over the age of 16. 

The more information you can provide on the self-referral form, the more likely we are able to accept the referral or signpost you to more appropriate services.

Visit the Referrals page on the MyMind website


Contact details

If you or the young person is at immediate risk, please call the 24/7 Urgent Mental Healthline: 0800 145 6485


Wirral CYPMHS 0-18 Team

Phone: 0300 3033157


For further information

For more information about MyMind search MyMind in this directory.


Visit the MyMind website


For more information about Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust search Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in this directory.


Visit the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website

Visit the CYPMHS page on the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website




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