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Winston’s Wish

Winston's Wish

Winston’s Wish is a charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief. Through information, on-demand services, bereavement support and counselling, we support young people to understand their feelings, process their grief and find ways to move forward with hope for a brighter future. We also help the adults who are caring for young grieving people including parents, school staff and healthcare professionals.


Freephone Helpline 

Our Helpline provides bereavement support for parents, carers and professionals looking for childhood bereavement advice and support. This is available Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm


ASK email service

Our ASK email service is a UK-wide national email service, that offers support, information and advice to anyone seeking it.


Online chat

Our online chat is designed to help you talk about your grief and manage your grief when you do feel like you need help. This is available Monday to Friday from 3pm to 8pm


Support information

We provide specialist bereavement support services, including the following bereavement by accident or illness, suicide, homicide and the military.



We offer a range of helpful and practical resources and publications for bereaved families and professionals.



Our training days are aimed at helping professionals better support bereaved children, young people and their families.


Support for schools

We work with schools to ensure that bereaved children get the support they need in a school environment.


Who is this aimed at?

Bereaved children and young people (up to 25) and their families 



Fully remote and available across the UK





How to get involved

Call our Helpline for free or email 


Immediate advice and resources can be provided and referrals can be taken for further support.


Contact details

Phone: 08088 020 021



For more information

For more information about Winston's Wish search Winston's Wish in this directory.


Visit the Winston's Wish website

Visit the Winston's Wish Facebook page



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