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The Slipper Baths Cafe – Byrne Avenue Baths

Byrne Avenue Baths, CH42 4PQ

The Slipper Baths Cafe - Byrne Avenue Baths

Byrne Avenue Baths is being restored and run by Byrne Avenue Trust, a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. That means that nobody takes any profits out of the Trust. Everything that is made is used to either run the Baths, restore and maintain the Baths or put on activities and events for our local community.

All of our Team are local people and have been working tirelessly to save the building and see it restored and re-opened for the local community to use.


The Slipper Baths Cafe is now open. We have a new menu including hot and cold drinks, teacakes, scones, ice creams and more. We have added milkshakes to the list.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome.






Byrne Avenue Baths,  Byrne Avenue, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 4PQ






Enquire with service for prices


How to get involved

No need to book just pop along


Contact details

Phone: 0151 926 0026



For further information

For more information about Byrne Avenue Baths search Byrne Avenue Baths in this directory.


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