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The Life Tree

40 Birkenhead Road, CH44 7BX

The Life Tree

The Life Tree has a passion to provide practical and emotional support for anyone who needs it, and we will do so with love and compassion, from our family to yours.

We want to make our lovely space warm and safe with lots of great activities and fun for all. We have lots to offer, with friendly faces, fabulous activities, no judgement and always someone to chat to. All served with your favourite dish. So come along and join in with Quirky.

We are so excited for our little sapling of support service to grow and blossom. We are currently looking to build partnerships with schools, social support services and other charities, so we can work together to get support and care to those who need it.

We run a variety of activities, mostly based at the Quirky Cafe, aimed to support the local community with health, wellbeing and social isolation.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Monday to Saturday



8am to 4/5pm



The Quirky Cafe, 40 Birkenhead Road, Hoylake, CH44 7BX



Please enquire with service.


How to get involved

If you have any queries, please phone 0151 632 1103.

To request support for yourself, or to nominate someone you care about, please message us and we will do all we can to provide love, compassion and practical support.


Contact details


Quirky Cafe - Phone: 0151 632 1370


For further information

For more information about The Life Tree search The Life Tree in this directory.


Visit the Life Tree Facebook page



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