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Stronger Together – Caritas Wirral at The Joey’s, Birkenhead

St Joseph's Centre, Greenbank Road, Birkenhead, CH42 7JY

Stronger Together - Caritas Wirral at The Joey's, Birkenhead

Caritas provides services to children, families and vulnerable adults of all faiths and none. We work across all sections of the community and cultural backgrounds.

Caritas Wirral family Support Services has a dedicated team of experienced staff and volunteers, with excellent knowledge of local services and support networks. 


Stronger Together

Our groups provide a friendly, confidential space giving you time to talk; a problem shared is a problem halved. Let’s break through those feelings of isolation. Supporting you with loss, emotional wellbeing and the challenges of everyday life. Being a non-intrusive, empathic and respectful service, we ensure our support is set at a relaxed pace that allows the client to feel listened to and heard. 

Come and join us for a cuppa, crafts and chat.


Who is this aimed at?

This support group is open to all.



Monday mornings during term time



9:30am to 12 noon



St Joseph’s Centre, Greenbank Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 7JY





How to get involved

There’s no need to book, please just turn up


Contact details

For information, please contact Lisa or Linda:

Phone: 0151 652 1281




For further information

For more information about Caritas search Caritas in this directory.


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