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School Project – Caritas Wirral

Caritas Diocese of Shrewsbury, CH44 7ED

School Project - Caritas Wirral

A dedicated team of experienced staff and volunteers including a social worker counsellors, with an excellent knowledge of local services and support networks, deliver this service working together with other agencies to provide a multi- agency approach.


We work in schools to provide services to pupils and their families to assist with any difficulties they may be experiencing. The aims of the service are achieved through assessment of each pupil or family, evaluation, joint discussion and delivery of a package of tailored support. Staff have a range of skills and experience including evidence based Parenting Programmes, Safeguarding, SEN, Bereavement and Family Support.


Who is this aimed at?

This family support is available for all abilities including SEND



Monday to Friday



9am to 4:30pm



We work with several schools on the Wirral


How to get involved

Enquire with your school or Visit the Caritas Wirral website to access support


Contact details

Phone: 0151 652 1281



For further information

For more information on Caritas Wirral search Caritas Wirral in this directory.


Visit the Caritas Wirral website

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