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Ruth Strauss Foundation

Supporting families facing the death of a parent and driving the need for more research into non-smoking lung cancers.



We believe that every family facing the death of a parent should be offered professional emotional support to help prepare for their children's futures.



Non-smoking lung cancers are on the rise, with a higher number of incidences among women. We are raising awareness of the importance of its research.


We believe that every family facing the death of a parent with an incurable diagnosis should be offered professional emotional support to help prepare for their children’s futures.


Who is this aimed at?

Families facing grief








How to get involved

If you are looking for further guidance on how to talk to your children about an incurable diagnosis, please complete the form on the website.


For more information, please email


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Ruth Strauss Foundation search Ruth Strauss Foundation in this directory.


Visit the Ruth Strauss Foundation website

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