We are an evangelical Anglican parish on the Wirral. Our services and activities occur across in two church buildings, Christ Church in Barnston and St Michael's in Pensby.
Messy Church
We are open from 3.30pm and free of charge to all primary school aged children. We start our theme with activities at 3.50pm and share a delicious tea together around 5pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult/parent.
Who is this aimed at?
All children of primary school age are welcome
Tuesdays but please check Facebook for details
St Michael’s Church, 1 Gills Lane, Pensby, Wirral CH61 1AF
How to get involved
No need to book, please come along and join us.
Contact details
Phone: 0151 648 2404
Email: cecelia@barnston.info
For further information
For more information about Christ Church Barnston and St Michael's - Pensby search Christ Church Barnston and St Michael's - Pensby in this directory.
Visit the Christ Church website
Visit the Christ Church Barnston Facebook page