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Merseyside Youth Association (MYA)

Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) is a charity dedicated to providing innovative support and opportunities for young people across Merseyside. 

MYA has a long and extraordinary history, dating all the way back to 1890. Grounded in the incredible social history of Liverpool, our affiliated clubs and their predecessors have been helping young people cope with all kinds of challenges. Through a range of dynamic, caring, high-quality charitable services and interventions we make every journey personal, so each interaction - big or small - ripples out into the wider community and society as a whole.

MYA delivers a wide range of early intervention, prevention projects and workforce development across Merseyside.


Our Impact

Our work is designed to help grow children and young peoples’ Skills, Aspiration, Motivation, Resilience and Belonging. We’re very proud of the impact we’ve made and continue to make. Impact that goes beyond the individual to the people in their lives and the community beyond.

Life-changing opportunities - From creative workshops to interventions, we create life-changing opportunities and transitions, celebrating and recognising the small outcomes as well as the big ones. 

Whole person approach  - We keep young people at the centre of everything we do, with a responsive whole-person approach that allows individuals to reach their potential.

Equipped for life - We want to give young people the skills they need throughout their lives. All our projects are intended to instil pride, belief, hope, independence and resilience so young people can learn, adapt and thrive.


Our Projects

Whatever the context, all our projects are delivered by experienced, passionate professionals, with a view to creating long-lasting positive impact throughout the wider community.

Please note: Eligibility criteria apply for each project, please see our website for further details.


MYA RAISE - our project to deliver mental health training for children and young people, as well as bitesize courses aimed specifically at parents, carers and professionals.

MYA NOISE - is a programme dedicated to improving access to music making, wellbeing support and progression routes for aspiring young musicians of all abilities, aged 11 to 25

MYA Choices Knowsley - provides inclusive, needs-led support for children and young people with a disability, and the people who care for them.

MYA Talent Match -  is a unique and innovative employability programme created to help young people overcome barriers to employment and show the world what they can do.

MYA SPACE stands for Sefton Performing Arts and Creative Education and it’s our flagship for using performing and creative arts to inspire impact-led youth work.

MYA Outdoor Education Centre - offers exciting, supportive access to experiences in the wild, structured within a safe and inclusive development programme.

MYA Navigators - a hospital-based intervention service for young people at risk of, or experiencing, violence. Navigators offers bespoke support to young people aged 10-25-years-old across Alder Hey Hospital Trust and Liverpool University Hospital Foundation Trust.

MYA Know - is an inclusive, youth-led support for 11-19-year-olds. Non-judgemental and empowering, it spans a range of bespoke offerings from street-based mentoring to needs-led health education.

MYA YOU: A fun inclusive citywide youth club provision that makes it easy for young people aged 12-25 to try something new. 

MYA Youth Hub - our holistic and inviting alternative to the Job Centre, offering young people a happy safe place where they can find informal support and referrals.


Who is this aimed at?

Eligibility criteria depends on the project/service, please see our website for details.



We deliver projects across Merseyside.


Our venues:

Main Office: 65-67 Hanover Street, Liverpool L1 3DY

Our Place: Longview Drive, Liverpool L36 6EG

SPACE: 106 Marsh Lane, Bootle, Liverpool L20 4JQ



Please contact us for details


How to get involved

Get in touch with us by phone or email, or by completing the contact form: Visit the Contact Us page on the MYA website


Please note: Eligibility criteria apply for each project, please see our website for further details.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 702 0700



For further information

For more information about Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) search Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) in this directory.


Visit the Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) website

Visit the Merseyside Youth Association (MYA) Facebook page





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