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Light Lunch – Jubilee Church Wallasey

The Jubilee Centre, CH45 0LA

Light Lunch - Jubilee Church Wallasey

Jubilee Church Wirral is a lively, family-friendly Evangelical Church based in Wallasey.

Our Jubilee Light Lunch is back and as ever, there will be a delicious light lunch as well as hot drinks and glorious cakes, from lemon drizzle and chocolate brownies to Victoria sponges and fabulous fruit cakes.

You’re guaranteed a warm welcome, someone to chat to and, best of all, it’s all completely free of charge.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



Every Monday



1pm to 3pm



The Jubilee Centre, 12 Hose Side Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH45 0LA





How to get involved

No need to book please just turn up.


Contact details


Phone: 0151 792 8358


For further information 

For more information about the Jubilee Church search Jubilee Church in this directory.


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