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Just Being

The Delamere Community Centre, CH62 9ED

Just Being

Just Being run fun and interactive sessions that include sensory, song, rhyme, British Sign Language, mindfulness and movement. The workshops are totally inclusive. Moving to music to help with muscle development, strength and balance. The sessions also help develop vocabulary and understanding.


Join one of our sessions and explore all things Performing Arts.

We always include time for a chat, cuppa and snack too.


About Just Being

Just Being is led by Hope. She is a LIPA graduate and has an honours degree in Community Drama. As part of this degree time was spent with community groups across Merseyside and it became clear just how important music and performance are in relation to improved self awareness and communication for both adults and children.

Hope has a British Sign Language qualification. She can incorporate this, at an age appropriate level, into the sessions thus opening up a whole new language to your children.


Who is this aimed at?

Performing Arts sessions for children aged 3 months+



Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays

For the latest information and details of changes to our session times, please visit the Just Being Facebook page.



All sessions start at 9:30am



Mondays at MoonBeam Yoga Wirral studio, Office A1a, Champions Business Park, Arrowe Brook Road, Wirral CH49 0AB.


Thursdays at Lower Bebington Methodist Church, Bromborough Road, Lower Bebington CH63 7RA 


Fridays at The Delamere Community Centre, Delamere Ave, Eastham CH62 9ED 



£6 per child (£3 for each additional sibling)

Please pay on arrival.


How to get involved

No booking is required, just turn up on the day.

If you want any more information then please just drop us a message on Facebook and we will be more than happy to answer any questions.

Visit the Just Being Facebook page.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Just Being search Just Being in this directory.


Visit the Just Being website

Visit the Just Being Facebook page

Visit the Just Being Instagram page

Visit the Just Being Twitter feed



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