IKWRO is a registered charity which provides advice and support to Middle Eastern, North African and Afghan women and girls living in the UK, who have experienced, or are at risk of all forms of “honour” based abuse, including; forced marriage, child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM), or domestic abuse.
We work with women and girls of all ages, including lesbian women, bisexual women and trans women. We offer services in Kurdish, Farsi, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Turkish and English.
We offer free advice, advocacy and counselling services and operates a refuge which provides safe accommodation and specialist support to single women at risk of “honour” based abuse, forced marriage and domestic abuse.
Who is this aimed at?
Women at risk of “honour” based abuse, forced marriage and domestic abuse
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 5:30pm
Via an online resource
How to get involved
Visit the Make a Referral page on the IKWRO website to access support
Contact details
Phone: 0207 920 6460
Email: advice@ikwro.org.uk
Out of Hours Phone: 07846 275246 or 07846 310157
For more information
For more information on Iranian And Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation search Iranian And Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation in this directory.
Visit the Iranian And Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (IKWRO) website.
Visit the Iranian And Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (IKWRO) Facebook page