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Games and Supper – Ronan’s Roasty Retreat at Vale House

Vale Park Cafe, CH45 1LZ

Games and Supper - Ronan's Roasty Retreat at Vale House

Food, Fun and Friends

Ronan's favourite things (other than dogs) and we are delighted to be able to share these 3 Fs with you all. As many of you know we are part of a truly awesome community and thanks to their generous donations all of Ronan's activities and meals are provided for free.


Games and Supper

We've been given a great selection of games for you to come and enjoy while you took into a hot supper with family and friends


Who is this aimed at?

This event is open to parents and children



Wednesday - 5pm to 8pm



Vale Park Cafe, Vale Park, New Brighton, CH45 1LZ



This support is free


How to get involved

No booking is required, just turn up to a session


For more information, please email


Contact Details



For further information

For further information about Ronan's Roasty Retreat search Ronan's Roasty Retreat in this directory


Visit the Ronan's Roasty Retreat Facebook page


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