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Elsie's Moon

Elsie’s Moon aims to support families when pregnancy doesn’t follow the plan.

We host one-off sessions including crafts, memory-making and walks to continue our journey in breaking the silence around fertility, loss and trauma. Providing a safe place surrounded by those who 'get it'.

We fund one-to-one counselling sessions for families across the Wirral and local areas, as well as offer Wellbeing Classes. For more information on these, please have a look at our 'support' page.

We provide different packages, to individuals, hospices, hospitals and organisations. These include Little Butterfly packs for early loss, Elsie's Essential's packs for those times families did not expect to be in the hospital, they include all the essentials for a first night's unprepared stay and Virtual Hug packs for families when we cannot reach out to hug them.

If you are a hospital wishing to stock our packs please do get in touch.

We are also working alongside other charities in supporting Bereavement Training, providing memory items, funding safe spaces... and so much more.


Who is this aimed at?

Families during pregnancy after loss, and for after loss (not pregnancy).



Please see our Facebook for courses



Various venues 



All courses are free but please book in advance


How to get involved

Please get in touch by email or phone


Contact details

Phone: 07956 539 772



For further information

For more information about Elsie's Moon search Elsie's Moon in this directory.


Visit the Elsie's Moon website

Visit the Elsie's Moon Facebook page






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