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Dyslexia Foundation

24 Edward Pavilion, L3 4AF

Dyslexia Foundation

Offers practical support and information to people with dyslexia.


Helpline: 0151 707 1525

If you have any questions about Dyslexia or would like an explanation of parts of this website, please call our Freephone number.


Dyslexia Screening

If you're interested in identifying Dyslexia, a Dyslexia Screening is a good place to start. If you would like a screening, please contact us to talk to our team.

Assessment for Dyslexia in Employment

An assessment will enable you to identify problems or areas that you are struggling with, and enable you to put strategies in place to work with your Dyslexia, 'unpacking' individual situations, examining background, history and looking at what problems are being experienced. Finally, it will provide recommendations which will empower and enable the individual with a further understanding of their own Dyslexia.

Assessment for Dyslexia in Education

If you're in higher education and wish to access Disabled Student' Allowances (DSA) the evidence you will require is a report produced by an Educational Psychologist or a practitioner who has 'Approved Teacher Status' awarded by British Dyslexia Association, or PATOSS.

One to One Support

We offer students at Higher Education Institutions support sessions with our One-to-One tutors. Our support tutors meet with students individually to explain what our one-to-one service provides. The focus of this support in the long term is to enable the student to study independently and develop learning strengths to study more efficiently. If you are a student at university and would like to know more about our one-to-one support, please contact us.


Who is this aimed at?

People with dyslexia



Dyslexia Foundation, 37 Colonnades, Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4AA


How to get involved

Phone: 0151 707 1525 to access the helpline or email: to get involved.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 709 0545 

Phone: 0151 707 1525 (Helpline)



For further information

Visit the Dyslexia Foundation website


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