The Right Side of Care is a resource for Wirral's looked after children. It provides information they may want or need to know about. This includes information about the process of being in care and the different types of care.
Our Space is our building dedicated to Children Looked After and Care Leavers. Our Space is a building dedicated to you. Our Space is a safe, friendly place that you can come to for events, staff support, and more.
Dance and Drama
Join us for dance and drama sessions for children in care.
A great way to get healthy, and burn off energy, street dance, acting and arts. Meet new friends, learn new moves, and find a voice.
Who is this aimed at?
Children in care ages 8 to 14 years
Please call ahead to confirm our calendar dates
10am to 12 noon
Our Space, 19 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1AD
These sessions are free
How to get involved
Just turn up, for more information please email.
Visit the Events page on the Right Side of Care website
Contact details
General Enquiries
Mobile: 07920 594 197
For further information
For more information about Right Side of Care search Right Side of Care in this directory.
Visit the Right Side of Care website
Visit the Right Side of Care - Participation and Engagement Team Instagram page