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Coffee Morning – Positivitree at Ganneys Meadow Family Hub

Ganneys Meadow Family Hub, CH49 8HB

Coffee Morning - Positivitree at Ganneys Meadow Family Hub

The Positivitree is a mental health and wellbeing organisation that helps families of children, young people or adults with additional health or care needs. The Positivitree is a social enterprise on a mission to empower parents and carers with self-care tools and experiences that improve wellbeing. The main focus of the organisation is on the wellbeing and self-care of the parent-carer community.


Coffee Morning

Ganneys Meadow Family Hub are hosting a weekly coffee morning with Positivitree providing emotional, mental and practical wellbeing support to families of children with additional needs.


Who is this aimed at?

Families of children with additional needs






9am to 11am



Ganneys Meadow Family Hub, New Hey Road, Woodchurch, Wirral, CH49 8HB





How to get involved

No booking is required, turn up on the day.


Contact details

Phone: 07877 782826


Family Hub Enquiries Phone: 0151 666 3323



For further information

For more information about The Positivitree search The Positivitree in this directory. 


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