Our Ask Us Wirral information and advice service is being delivered by phone, email and face to face at our outreach locations. The service includes specialist benefits, debt and housing advice.
Discover a wealth of information, advice, and specialist support through our Ask Us Wirral Service – a service delivered in partnership by Citizens Advice Wirral, Age UK Wirral, Wirral Mind, Wirral Change, Wirral Mencap and Involve Northwest. Ask Us Wirral provides free, independent, confidential and impartial information and advice ensuring that you receive the assistance you need.
Who is this aimed at?
Open to all
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 4pm
Online, phone and in various locations across Wirral
This support is free
How to get involved
Our Ask Us Wirral information and advice service is being delivered by phone, email and face to face at our outreach locations
To access Ask Us Wirral phone 0808 278 7848 Please note the phone lines are likely to be busy and you may need to leave a message and our team can get back to you.
If you can’t get through on our local number, you can try the national Citizens Advice number 0800 144 88 48 textphone: 18001 0800 144 8884
If you have now become unemployed or are self-employed but your income has dropped please call our Help to Claim team on 0800 144 8 444
Contact details
Ask Us Wirral phone 0808 278 7848
For further information
For more information about Citizens Advice Wirral search Citizens Advice Wirral in this directory.
Visit the Citizens Advice Wirral website