The Wirral children with disabilities service is focused on supporting children with disabilities to access support and services that will promote their quality of life and achieve positive results. It forms part of the wider Wirral All Age Disability Service.
The service supports children and young people with the following conditions:
- A severe or profound learning disability
- A severe physical disability
- A substantial degree of visual impairment/moderate and severe hearing loss
- A complex Autistic Spectrum Condition with severe learning difficulty
- A complex medical health condition
Who is this aimed at?
The service works with children and young people aged 0-18 who meet the criteria for services as a child or young person with a disability.
Millennium Centre, Twickenham Drive, CH46 1PQ
How to get involved
Referrals are received from the Children's Integrated Front Door (IFD) which is provided by Wirral Council.
The IFD team comprises multi agency professionals from a range of services, who undertake a number of functions. These include a Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), First Response and providing access to early help and Children's Social Care Services.
Contact details
Phone: 0151 666 4700
For further information
For more information on Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust search Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in this directory.
Visit the Children with Disabilities Service CWP website
Visit the CWP Facebook page