Koala North West exists to provide children and their families with tailored practical and emotional support that improves wellbeing, reduces isolation and supports both children and caregivers to thrive.
If you live on the Wirral and are experiencing problems with breastfeeding your baby, or maybe you are just thinking about breastfeeding or breastmilk feeding, we are here to offer you information and support.
Antenatal Support
Are you thinking about breastfeeding or breast milk feeding? Would you like more information about choosing to feed your baby, or to discuss past experiences, expectations or worries about breastfeeding?
Koala North West knows the importance of getting as much information about becoming a parent before the baby arrives.
When Baby Arrives
We offer support in the very early days. Our support is offered by a friendly mum who has experience, training, and time to spend with you ‘getting started’ after the baby arrives. We are here to go through anything you aren’t sure about, and offer ongoing breastfeeding support. Some women can struggle getting started, but with a little support and access to updated information, mums who choose to breastfeed can do so for as long as they wish.
Breastfeeding Support at Home
Our support service is provided when you go home, helping to establish breastfeeding. Support is available over the phone, through home visits, or at our friendly volunteer-led breastfeeding groups.
Just a Phone call Away
Support and information from bump to breastfeeding, right through to weaning and introducing complementary foods, we are here. For however long you choose to breastfeed, we are here to support you in your choice.
Face-to-face breastfeeding groups are now back up and running. For support or to meet up with other local mummies, please give the office a call to secure your place.
Who is this aimed at?
Mums to be and breastfeeding mums
Online, phone and in-person
Free for all
How to get involved
If you have any queries or seek support, please phone, email or complete our online contact form.
Visit the Breastfeeding Peer Support page on the Koala North West website
Contact details
Phone: 0151 608 8288
Email: admin@koalanw.co.uk
For further information
For more information about Koala North West search Koala North West in this directory.
Visit the Koala North West website
Visit the Koala North West Facebook page