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Beating the Blues Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Wirral Mind

Wirral Mind, CH41 5DL

Beating the Blues Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Wirral Mind

Beating the Blues is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme delivered online that teaches you techniques to help you manage symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression.


What is Beating the Blues?

Watch how people with similar symptoms to your own have been helped by the programme. Complete simple exercises to learn the techniques and practice them in your own time to start feeling better.


How will Beating the Blues help me?

Beating the Blues helps you to manage how you feel by showing you the link between your feelings and what you do, think and say.
Using Beating the Blues can help you feel better and stay well but it may also be useful for you to speak to your GP or health care professional about your condition.


Where can I use Beating the Blues?

The programme is all online and can be used anywhere via a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. All you need is a stable internet connection, speakers or headphones to listen to the audio and follow the programme narrative. Subtitles are also available.


How can I get access?

Our Beating the Blues service is available to those aged 16+ living on Merseyside. This service accepts self-referrals, to self-refer use the contact links below. Following your initial assessment, you will receive an email to sign up for Beating the Blues.


Can Wirral Mind support me to use Beating the Blues?

Supported sessions take place at Wirral Mind with a Beating the Blues Supporter who will be on hand to offer both practical and emotional support. These sessions can last between 1 and to1.5 hour on an appointment basis. A laptop or tablet will be provided. 


The self-guided option is for individuals who wish to work through the programme at their own pace or fit the programme around family or work commitments.
Support such as regular telephone calls or emails is still available to those who choose the self-guided option. These options will be discussed during your initial assessment.


For more information, get in touch and to download the Beating the Blues booklet via the link below.

Download the Beating the Blues Booklet.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 512 2200



For further information

For more information about Wirral Mind search Wirral Mind in this directory.


Visit the Beating the Blues webpage.

Download the Beating the Blues Booklet.

Visit the Wirral Mind website


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