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Beach Wheelchairs – Wirral Council

Watersports Centre, South Parade, West Kirby, CH48 0QG

Beach Wheelchairs - Wirral Council

People with mobility difficulties or physical disabilities will be able to access two of Wirral’s most popular beaches as purpose-built wheelchairs become available for hire – free of charge.

This is part of a project involving Wirral Council and Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS, six beach wheelchairs have been bought that will be available for people to book and use for free from both the Floral Pavilion in New Brighton and Wirral Watersports Centre in West Kirby.


This specialist equipment will give access to the beach and to the water to people who had previously been denied it due to their disability or mobility issues and their use will bring so much enjoyment.


There are three different types of wheelchair available – two require manual pushing and another that is electric-powered.


All chairs that are available to hire are equipped with support straps, cushions and harnesses. Any additional support or accessories required to use the chairs will need to be brought by the user.

For all chairs, users will need assistance from a friend, family member or support worker. We are working on making hoists available for use, however, these are currently not able to be used.


Only Sand Cruisers are available from Wirral Water Sports Centre.

All types of chairs (Sand Cruisers, Hippocampe and Extreme X8 All Terrain) are available from The Floral Pavilion.

At Wirral Water Sports Centre, your existing wheelchair will be stored securely at the entrance of the building. At The Floral Pavilion, your chair will be stored in a separate room.


Who is this aimed at?

People with mobility difficulties or physical disabilities



Please contact either Floral Pavilion or the Watersports in West Kirby for details.



Please see timings when booking



The Floral Pavilion, Marine Promenade, New Brighton, Wallasey CH45 2JS


Watersports Centre, South Parade, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 0QG



This is absolutely FREE


How to get involved

Residents and visitors can book through the Floral Pavilion

  • Visiting the Box Office (Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm)
  • Calling 0151 666 0000 (Floral Pavilion Box Office) (Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm)


Or West Kirby Watersports

  • Wirral Water Sports Centre - in West Kirby - you will need to create an account

Visit the Booking page on Wirral Watersports website

On the day of booking, please check in with a member of staff on site. They will verify you are the person who booked by checking your ID, so please bring with you, either:

  • Passport
  • Driver's licence


Contact details

Phone: 0151 666 0000 - Floral Pavilion Box Office


For further information

For more information about the Wirral Council search Wirral Council in this directory


Visit the Wirral Council Beach Wheelchairs website

Visit the Marine Lake Facebook page


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