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Army Cadets UK

Army Cadets is a national voluntary youth organisation sponsored and supported by the Army but not part of it. There is no requirement for cadets to join the Army when they leave. A safe place for young people regardless of background to learn new skills, develop themselves and try activities they might not get the chance to elsewhere.


If you want to aim higher, feel more confident and get a head start on your future join the Army Cadets. Every year thousands of young people and adult volunteers join the Army Cadets for fun, friendship, action, and adventure. If you're up for a challenge you'll go further with the Army Cadets.


Joining the Army Cadets UK will
- Challenge young people to learn more, do more, and try more.
- Offer a wide range of challenging, adventurous, and educational activities.
- Give young people the chance to gain nationally-recognised qualifications and skills that they can take with them into further education or the workplace.
- Fancy trying something new? Developing a new hobby? Have something to look forward to every week? Join us now.

Who is this aimed at?

Open to young people from 12 to 17 years old



Please visit the Army Cadets website for information on various locations



Please contact  Army Cadets UK for details


How to get involved

If you're interested in joining please visit the Army Cadets website to fill in the joining form


Contact details

Fill out the contact form on the Army Cadets website.


For further information

For more information about Army Cadets UK search Army Cadets UK in this directory.


Visit the Army Cadets website

Visit the Army Cadets Facebook page





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