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Information, support, services and resources on ADHD in the UK, and other neurodiverse conditions.


Using psychoeducational principles to help them understand how ADHD is impacting day-to-day lives and using this knowledge to move forward constructively. We work with children from ages 6 through to adults, as well as working with the families and professionals who support them.


We also offer training on ADHD and associated conditions to schools, colleges, universities and employers using real-life examples and providing practical strategies. ADHD certainly changes the dynamic of any environment, but it doesn’t need to become overwhelming. In most cases, ADHD can be well supported and those with it can thrive. Educators and employers are often unsure of what support is needed, or how they will find the time, energy and resources to meet needs and bring out the best in an individual. We work with all involved to ‘promote positive outcomes’ and help to devise a bespoke solution that works for everyone.


We offer:



Parent course - a 6 week course held online for parents of children with ADHD - diagnosed or undiagnosed 

Adults with ADHD - 8 week course for adults 

Teens with ADHD - 6 week course 

Neurodiversity weekly study group 

SEND advocacy 

Drawing and Talking Therapy 12 week programme 

Parent talks 

Neurodiversity workplace training 


Who is this aimed at?

This is aimed at individuals and parents of individuals with and without a formal diagnosis of ADHD



For updated event details, please Visit the Booking page on the ADHD Wise UK website



The ADHD Wise website is available at all times.



This resource is available online.



Visit the ADHD Wise website to find out the cost of their courses and events.


How to get involved

For more information or support, please get in touch by email.


For updated event details, please Visit the Booking page on the ADHD Wise UK website


Contact details



For further information

For more information about ADHD Wise UK search ADHD Wise UK in this directory.


Visit the ADHD Wise website

Visit the ADHD Wise Facebook page

Visit the Booking page on the ADHD Wise UK website





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