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ADHD Foundation


The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more.


Our Mission 

To advocate for and actively improve the life chances of those living with and impacted by ADHD, Autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia (DCD), Tourette’s syndrome, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and any related physical and psychological health concerns.

To create social change by working in partnership with agencies across all sectors to remove the cultural and systemic inequalities for neurodiverse people in health, education, and employment.

To provide expert, multidisciplinary services in health and education, across the lifespan.

To lead by example, showing that it is possible to run a truly integrated service employing best practice, innovative, value-for-money services for all business sectors.


Our Vision

A world that views neurodiversity and ‘thinking differently’ as a strength, whilst acknowledging and understanding the difficulties associated with lifespan neurodevelopmental conditions


Our Values 

We take a strength-based approach. We emphasise the intelligence, talents and employability of those with ‘different abilities’, whilst acknowledging that they can result in disadvantage and exclusion in education, as well as health and economic dependencies.

Working in partnership with all stakeholders, we provide exemplar, innovative and holistic, person-centred services and training programmes that enable and empower the neurodiverse community.

We enable public services in the UK and employers, through training and support, to ensure that a neurodiversity paradigm is enshrined in public policy and legislation.

  • Integrity of purpose

  • Diverse perspectives

  • Equity

  • Social change

  • Inclusion

  • Enabling

  • Professionalism


Who is this aimed at?




UK nationwide service

Online resources



Free support


How to get involved

To find the support, training, events, webinars, resources and information relevant to you, please search our website. 


Contact details

Phone: 0151 541 9020



For further information

For more information about the ADHD Foundation search  ADHD Foundation in this directory.


Visit the ADHD Foundation website

Visit the ADHD Foundation Facebook page



Quick contact