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Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP)

Action on Postpartum Psychosis is the national charity for women and families affected by postpartum psychosis (PP). PP is a severe mental illness that begins suddenly following childbirth. Symptoms include hallucinations and delusions, often with mania, depression or confusion. More than 1400 women experience PP each year in the UK (1 to 2 in every 1,000 mothers). An episode of PP can be very frightening for women and their families. Most women go on to make a full recovery, however the journey can be long and difficult.


APP runs an award-winning peer support service, connecting women and families throughout the UK to recovered volunteers, via: an online peer support forum; one to one email support; meeting a volunteer programme (video and in person); social groups and creative workshops.


Our peer support network helps women and families affected by postpartum psychosis feel understood, supported and less isolated. With the support of world-leading academic and clinical experts, an amazing, supportive, peer-led, lived experience community has been developed. The peer support community has been described as “life changing”, “lifting me from the shadows of a life half-lived” and a “good and precious resource to all who have been affected by PP”.


If you, your partner or family think that you have symptoms of postpartum psychosis you need urgent help.

If you have been told during pregnancy that you have a high risk of postpartum psychosis you may have a care plan. This should include emergency contact numbers for your mental health team or local crisis service. If you do not have a care plan or you have not had this type of illness before you should see your GP urgently (the same day).


If this is not possible, call NHS 111, your local out-of-hours service. You can also attend your local A&E department to get urgent help for postpartum psychosis.

If you are told you do not have postpartum psychosis but your symptoms worsen, you should make sure you are seen again.  If you think there is imminent danger, call 999 and ask for an ambulance.


Who is this aimed at?

For anyone affected by Postpartum Psychosis



Information is available on the Action on Postpartum Psychosis website





How to get involved

Please visit the Action on Postpartum Psychosis website for more information


Contact details

Phone: 020 3322 9900



For further information

For more information about Action on Postpartum Psychosis search Action on Postpartum Psychosis in this directory. 


Visit the Action on Postpartum Psychosis website

Visit the Action on Postpartum Psychosis Facebook page





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