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4th Heswall Young Leaders and Explorers

The Lighthouse Hall, Parish of Heswall, Pye Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 0AJ

4th Heswall Young Leaders and Explorers

Every week boys and girls aged 4 to 18 across five sections, Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Young Leaders take part in adventurous activities, learn skills for life and most importantly have a great time with 4th Heswall.


Once our members reach the age of 14 their Scouting adventure doesn’t have to end… Scouting at 4th Heswall St. Peter’s is available to boys and girls aged 6 to 14, upon reaching 14 our Sea Scouts sadly have to leave the troop and join Explorers. However, at 4th Heswall we have a superb Young Leader Programme led by our Group Scout Leader, supported by our section leaders and assisted by District and County training.


The Young Leader Programme is designed for young men and women aged 14 – 18 years, we encourage our Young Leaders to become junior troop leaders by assisting with our Beaver Scouts, gradually developing their role through training, programme planning and event experience.


Building confidence they progress to Cub Scouts, organising games, activities, meetings and events. Finally our Young Leaders assist with our Sea Scout troop, working closely with the adult leaders they encourage our Sea Scouts to be their best using the knowledge, skills and experience they learnt at 4th Heswall to train our Scouts to become young leaders themselves.


Who is this aimed at?

Ages 14 to 18



Please enquire with the service provider for session details



Please enquire with the service provider for session details


How to get involved

Visit the Join Us page on the Heswall Young Leaders and Explorers website


Contact details



For further information

For more information on 4th Heswall Sea Scouts search 4th Heswall Sea Scouts in this directory.


Visit the 4th Heswall Sea Scouts website

Visit the 4th Heswall Sea Scouts Facebook page



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