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What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?

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What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?

ARTICLE See also:

Children and young people with SEND struggle with learning more than most children or young people of the same age. They may need extra or different help from others.  


Your child may need help with: 

  1. Communicating- it can be difficult for children with SEN to make sense of language and how to talk to others.  
  2. Learning- they can learn at a slower pace than others so may have difficulty keeping up at school.  
  3. Socially- they may struggle to form friendships and manage their relationships.  
  4. Sensory/Physical needs- if your child has visual or hearing impairments or a physical need they may need additional ongoing support and equipment. 


Where to go for help if you think your child has a special educational need or disability 

If you think your child has SEND, you can talk to your child’s nursery, pre-school or school. You can discuss any concerns you have and they can help you with the next steps of your journey. 

There are other sources of information, advice and support you can access such as: 

  1. your doctor, or other local child health services 
  2. charities and other organisations that offer information, advice and support. You can find information about these from SENDLO, Wirral’s Local Offer of SEND services 

This information was adapted from Department for Education Special educational needs and disability guide for parents and carers. You can access the full guide here:  

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