A charity was formed in the memory of Charlotte Leigh Churchill from our community. A safe place for young people to 'hang out' for our community.
We aim to provide a social supermarket, end loneliness, plus offer advice and support to the whole community. We have several activities running at the centre including homework club, cookery, sports, gaming, hip hop, music, and dance for children and young people.
Talent Match Mentoring
Aged 16 to 29?
Not currently employed or in education?
Feel like you would benefit from some 1:1 mentoring support?
Would you like to improve your skills, but don't know where to start?
Come to our drop in session and meet the mentors to discuss your goals, access CV support, funding and what courses we can offer
Who is this aimed at?
This is aimed at young people aged 16 to 29 years old
2pm to 3:30pm
Charlotte's Brightside, New Brighton Community Centre, 1A Hope Street, New Brighton, Wirral CH45 2LN
How to get involved
Please check for details by phone or email
Contact details
Email: charlottesbrightside2011@gmail.com
Phone: 0151 630 2626 or 07818 005010
For further information
For more information about Charlotte's Brightside search Charlotte's Brightside in this directory.
Visit the Charlotte's Brightside Facebook page
Visit the Charlotte's Brightside Instagram account