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Hear to Listen – Cafcass

Hear to Listen - Cafcass

Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.


The ‘Hear to Listen’ service will give children the opportunity to share their views about how well we supported them, how effectively we listened and understood what life is like for them, and how that understanding influenced what the Family Court Adviser recommended in their report to the court. We want to hear whether children understood our thinking, whether they felt able to influence proceedings about them and what we could have done differently and better. We hope that children will want to share their honest feedback with us in the comfortable space that is our ‘Hear to Listen’ phone line.


Children can use the telephone line to contact Cafcass, during or after their proceedings to provide feedback. If the proceedings remain live at the point we are contacted, the call will be directed to their Family Court Adviser who will contact them directly to answer any question and/or to explain what is happening at that time.


Who is this aimed at?

Children and young people who are in family court proceedings.



This service is held from Monday to Friday



Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm

Friday: 9am to 4:30pm



Free for all


How to get involved

Please call 0808 175 3333 during open times


Cafcass will review demand for the service and whether children would like the phones to be available at other times such as evenings and weekends. 


Contact details

Phone: 0808 175 3333


For further information

For more information about Cafcass search Cafcass in this directory. 


Visit the Cafcass website

Visit the Hear to Listen page on the Cafcass website




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