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Events and Boxes – UK Unplugged CIC

Abbey Close Unit 1, CH41 5FQ

Events and Boxes - UK Unplugged CIC

We are unplugged, both because we recognise that families (kids and adults) need time away from screens to spend with each other meaningfully for children's best development in life. We’re also ‘unplugged’ because we think outside the box and use the community resources (people) to run our events.


We have guests from specific industries (engineering, veterinary science), cultures (Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Vietnam) and creative/educational sectors. The aim is to influence families positively to experience a wide range of cultures and ideas and to help them develop skills that will improve their resilience (e.g. creativity, problem-solving etc.)


We create boxes and events to encourage families to spend time off screens, creating and exploring together. We aim to give children (and adults alike) a chance to use this space to be resourceful and imaginative, enhancing the creative instinct we all have, to make something out of nothing.


Who is this aimed at?

Aimed at families with children with kids and teens 3+  supportive of SEND children with quiet spaces, choice and adapted activities. Free tickets for families on a low income can be applied for through our website. We rotate between culture, STEM, imagination and nature topics with experts (international students, engineers etc.) Great for positive family time.



Our events usually take place on a Sunday at the Bloom Building. Our boxes will be delivered within 7 days of ordering (we hand deliver where possible, on the Wirral, by bike).



Please visit the UK Unplugged website for box event timings



Bloom Building, 3 Abbey Close, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5FQ



Please visit the UK Unplugged website for ticket prices


How to get involved

Please visit the UK Unplugged website to book your tickets


Contact details



For further information

For more information about UK Unplugged CIC search UK Unplugged CIC in this directory


Visit the UK Unplugged website

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