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Involve Northwest

We’re passionate, we’re driven, we’re dynamic and we’re there for you. We are Involve Northwest. Whether your focus is on returning to the workplace, seeking advice and guidance for your family or making positive steps to change your life, Involve Northwest can help.


We absolutely love helping you achieve your goals, whatever they may be, and we have the right people on the job to guide, advise and mentor you to success.


Our Projects

The Community Hub - The Hub is now open to the public and offers various activities throughout the week. The Hub can support people with basic food requirements and personal care items. Phone lines and doors are open from 9am to 5pm


Connect Us - ‘Connect Us’ has been launched by Public Health with an underpinning objective of positive wellbeing interventions. Working with your local Community Connector can serve as that missing link for you to access the things you need in order for you to move forward and look to achieve your aspirations. Connectors work on ‘what is strong and not what is wrong’ and look at how you may want to develop your potential. We are not here to interfere or try to fix people.


Brighter Times - Brighter Times is a community-based mental health project that works alongside the CWP Crisis Lines by supporting people with their overall wellbeing. We place focus on helping people to identify and address any practical or social barriers that are influencing their mental health negatively by linking them into the most appropriate avenue of support.


Clear Minds - Clear Minds is a community-based mental health project that focuses on helping and enabling individuals to empower themselves to make positive changes and take control of how they feel. We have a fantastic team at Clear Minds who are experienced in supporting people to overcome their fears and worries and help them getting back to the very best person they can be.


ReachOut (Tranmere & Birkenhead Bases) - The service offers free, confidential advice & guidance to support you back into employment. We work with a range of specialised partner agencies, such as Wirral Change, to help support you to overcome a range of barriers that are preventing you from going to work. ReachOut provides you with a personalised Job Coach who will offer you one-to-one planning sessions, help with writing or amending your CV, online job searching, support with job applications, practising interview techniques and help with building your confidence to help with the transition of actually starting your new job.


Welfare Benefits and Advice Team - At Involve Northwest, we have an established independent advice team. Our team offer professional free advice and supports local people with issues such as welfare benefits (for individuals with poor health conditions and/or disabilities) and debt and money management issues.


The Lighthouse Centre - The Lighthouse Centre Wirral is a safe, warm and friendly space for women and children who have previously, or are currently experiencing domestic abuse. We provide a drop-in service where we offer independent advocacy, risk assessment and safety planning, as well as specialist workshops and programmes running throughout the week to support women and children to help them navigate towards a safe and positive future.


The Wirral InfoBank - The Wirral InfoBank is a free online resource owned by Wirral Borough Council, funded by Public Health, and supported by Involve Northwest. The Wirral InfoBank (WIB) aims to connect Wirral residents to services and support, with the mission to elevate the health and wellbeing of the Wirral through community support.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome to access support



The Community Village, 330 - 334 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 1LE



Monday to Friday



9am to 5pm.





How to get involved

Please get in touch by phone or email or complete our online contact form Visit the Involve Northwest Get in Touch page.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 644 4500



For further information

For more information about Involve Northwest search Involve Northwest in this directory.


Visit the Involve Northwest Website

Visit the Involve Northwest Facebook page



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