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Hype Multisport – Hype Merseyside at Tranmere Rovers Beechwood Recreation Centre

Beechwood Recreation Centre, 18 Beechwood Drive, Birkenhead, CH43 7ZU

Hype Multisport - Hype Merseyside at Tranmere Rovers Beechwood Recreation Centre

HYPE’s year round Youth Clubs reach the heart of the community using local community centres as their base to reach more young people each year.


By utilising the community centres rooms, HYPE staff and volunteers run a range of sessions that are youth led ensuring the delivery is of the need for the children and young people that attend the sessions.


Open access means that young people are not stigmatised and can enjoy their leisure time in a safe space with their peers. For those with mental health issues, a local youth work presence can be a vital lifeline.


Who is this aimed at?

This is aimed at young people aged 10 to 16 years old



Tuesdays and Thursdays



4pm to 6pm



18 Beechwood Drive, Birkenhead, Prenton CH43 7ZU



Enquire with the provider for cost information


How to get involved

To get involved please Visit the Hype Merseyside Website


Contact details

Phone: 0779 375 3527



For further information

For more information about Hype Merseyside search Hype Merseyside in this directory.


Visit the Hype Merseyside Website

Visit the Hype Merseyside Facebook page.



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