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Evolve is a not-for-profit organisation working with young people and adults.

We provide preventative education, early intervention, counselling, family support and training for professionals concerning the abuse of former legal highs, especially volatile substances.


What We Do

  • Education
  • Outreach
  • Awareness
  • Counselling
  • Family Support
  • Professional Training
Whilst concentrating on prevention through education, evolve will engage with those who abuse these substances, many of whom know there is a better path to be on but just don’t know how to get there.  Evolve will strive to help them with the provision of counselling and family support.
Working within the community, evolve hopes to enable those who abuse to identify their value, redefine their sense of self, make positive choices, and seek a brighter future … all before “at risk” becomes “inevitable” through its specific service provision of education, early intervention,  counselling and family support programmes.


Who is this aimed at?

Young people and adults



Training is provided at various locations.


How to get involved

For information about former Legal Highs, especially Volatile Substances: Visit the Facts page on the evolve website

If you have any questions regarding our services or the website, please contact us by either filling out our contact form, e-mailing or calling and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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For further information

For more information about evolve search evolve in this directory.


Visit the evolve website

Visit the evolve Facebook page



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