Wirral Met College is a Further and Higher Education College offering courses and diploma qualifications from entry level to degree. Preparing you for Jobs, Apprenticeships and University through a wide range of further and higher education courses.
Supported Internships
A Supported Internship offers young people aged 16-24 with an Education, Health and Care Plan the opportunity to gain practical work-based learning experience, providing a smooth transition from education to paid employment and further study. Students on the internships spend 3 days a week in employment and 1 day a week at college developing employability skills such as CV building, job applications, interview skills and English and Maths.
For more information on what is involved and how to get a supported internship please Visit the Supported Internships Easy Read guide page on the NDTi website
Wirral Met College is the provider of Supported Internships on the Wirral, to find out more about the courses we provide Visit the Supported Internships page on the Wirral Met College website
Who is this aimed at?
Young people aged 16-24 with an Education, Health and Care Plan
Course days and times vary
Conway Park Campus, Europa Boulevard, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 4NT
How to get involved
Our applications have moved online and supported internships are super easy to apply to.
For our helpful step-by-step video guide Visit the Virtual Open Day page on the Wirral Met College website
Contact details
Phone: 0151 551 7777
Email: wmc.enquiries@wmc.ac.uk
For further information
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